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Debt Help

The type of assistance you require will depend mostly on the type of accounts you owe and your specific situation. For credit card debt and other unsecured bills like collection accounts, personal loans, and hospital bills, you can choose from the following options:

Debt Consolidation Programs

Also known as credit counseling, these are payment plans typically offered by non-profit agencies that aim to lower your interest rates and have you debt free in four to six years. As an initial first step, your counselor will do a budget analysis and determine whether your can your debts back yourself or if a debt management plan (DMP) is more appropriate for your situation. Simply fill out a form now for a free consultation!

Debt Relief Companies

Another option that is available for people is debt settlement. These services aim to settle your debts for less than you owe and when successfully completed, it is possible to get out of debt in as little as 12 to 36 months. The savings potential in debt settlement is more substantial than credit counseling, but there are other risks associated with this option, such as a likely credit score hit and the potential that one or more of your accounts won’t settle. To speak with someone more about this option, submit a form now! Get absolutely free and useful advice today!

Filing Bankruptcy

A last resort for many consumers, bankruptcy is certainly an option. Keep in my mind, however, that Chapter 7 bankruptcy stays on your credit for at least 10 years, and although Chapter 13 only stays on your credit for seven years, you still have to pay at least part of the debt back to your creditors. The advantage with filing bankruptcy of course is that you can eliminate your debt completely and for less than your other options for debt help.

Debt Consolidation Loans

With this option, you take out a loan, presumably at a lesser interest rate, to pay off all your other bills. Usually consolidation loans are taken out against some piece of property, most often your home, through a mortgage refinance or home equity loan, but there are unsecured consolidation loans, although they typically come with a higher interest rate.

Get Out of Debt Yourself

Getting out of debt on your own involves preparing a budget, setting a goal or timeline for when you would like to be debt free, and then making the necessary sacrifices to ensure it actually happens. For those who have manageable debt loads, but just need to be better disciplined about paying off their credit cards, doing it yourself is always the advisable solution.

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Pros and Cons of Debt Settlement

Excessive debt is suffocating; like a dark cloud in cartoons, debt hangs gloomily over your head and affects nearly every aspect of your life. Anytime you think the situation is under control, another bill arrives; like always, due to late fees, it’s double the amount you were anticipating. Read More >>

Debt Settlement Produces More Welfare than Credit Counseling

“Debt Settlement Produces More Welfare than Credit Counseling” – Franklin Debt Relief to FTCA new report submitted by Franklin Debt Relief’s CEO, Robert Zangrilli, to the FTC shows that debt settlement benefits consumers more than credit counseling, and in fact, consumers who use credit counseling lose more money in non-refundable payments than they save based on industry statistics. Read More >>

Reducing Debt Fast Bailout

Millions of consumers are struggling each day to pay off high interest debt, with many of them falling farther and farther behind each month.  While it would be ideal if there was some sort of "magic" solution to this problem, the truth of the matter is this: each person is responsible for figuring out the best process for eliminating their high interest debt.  There is no bailout in sight for consumers, therefore you must closely examine the options that are available to pay off your debt balances and move on with your life.  One of the popular debt relief options available today that is often confused with some sort of government "bailout" is debt settlement. Read More >>

Non Profit Debt Relief Organizations

Non-profit debt relief organizations offer the same services as profit-based debt relief organizations. The difference is that their operations are run on charity based donations as well as government grants accessed through their non-profit status. To be certain that a debt relief organization is in fact a non-profit you can check the ‘About’ section of the company’s website. If the company is a non-profit it should clearly state as such on this page and it will refer to achieving IRS 501 (c) (3) non-profit charitable organization status. Read More >>