Consumers who have gotten in over their heads from credit card debt feel that bankruptcy is the only solution. Bankruptcy can damage your financial future and should be a last option to eliminate debt. The steps to avoiding bankruptcy usually boil down to a change in spending behaviors. Start today by taking control of your finances.
The most common form of bankruptcy is Chapter 7. Bankruptcy debt discharge is essentially when the court officially releases a debtor of being held personally liable to repay debts incurred prior to filing bankruptcy. This occurs within a certain time frame following bankruptcy proceedings. Not all debts will be discharged so it is wise to know in advance which types of debts you the debtor are still held personally and legally accountable for. Whether or not your bankruptcy debts are discharged also depends on if you’ve been through bankruptcy previously.
Dealing with bankruptcy can be frightening event. Bankruptcy is meant to give a fresh economic ‘leg-up’ to people who have made some financial errors. There are two basic types of bankruptcy, Chapter 7, total discharge of debt, and Chapter 13, a reorganization of debt. There are rules for filing for bankruptcy and conditions must be followed.
The downturn in the economy and rising consumer debt has caused the number of Americans filing for bankruptcy to grow. According to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, there were over 520,000 bankruptcy fillings in the first half of 2008. Bankruptcy is a federal court process that helps consumers remove their debt in bankruptcy court.
Sometimes, despite our best intentions to pay back our debts, our individual circumstances make it an impossible task. Bankruptcy can occur in two different ways – the most common is when an individual or business voluntarily files for bankruptcy. The other potential route to going bankrupt is when your creditors ask the court to order you bankrupt after excessive nonpayment.
Before doing any research, you may believe that bankruptcy is simply the process people go through to get out of paying their financial obligations. Bankruptcy is actually very complicated, and neither option (Chapter 7 or Chapter 11) will allow an individual to get out of paying all of your debt!
The number of people filing bankruptcy in the United States continues to increase with every passing year. Regardless of the individual circumstances that led you down that path – you should do everything in your power to avoid bankruptcy. Some people think filing bankruptcy results in “starting over” with a clean slate. The truth is, bankruptcy is very rarely as easy as it sounds and the ramifications of filing bankruptcy stay with you for a very long time.
Collectors only have a limited amount of time to collect on a debt. That amount of time varies by state, and knowing your rights can greatly improve your negotiations with debt collectors. Learn what the statutes of limitation are in your state.
Consumers who are considering filing bankruptcy are faced with a lot of questions and are often not sure what the advantages could be- if any. Besides the obvious advantage of not having the debt that hangs over their head everyday, are their any other ad
Bankruptcies can be called “reorganizations” or ‘liquidations”, depending on which type of bankruptcy you decide to do. Both a “Chapter 7” and a “Chapter 13” bankruptcy are federal court processes that are meant to assist businesses or consumers to get r
Nobody likes to get phone calls from collection agencies. Despite laws intended to protect consumers from harassment, most collection agencies make you very uncomfortable when they’re trying to get the money from you and will call you several times a day
While bankruptcy is sometimes the ideal solution for individuals who have buried themselves under excessive debt, it isn’t the answer to all debt problems. Unfortunately, not all debts can be completely erased by a bankruptcy- and in some cases, the debt