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Debt Destroy

Get Out Of Debt Tips

The recession is almost behind us but many consumers continue to struggle with high levels of debt.In order to avoid long term financial problems and begin the journey to financial independence it is imperative everyone focus on debt elimination.Getting out of debt is not as complex or confusing as many people believe, however it does require a certain degree of discipline and in some case sacrifice to be successful.Here are a few tips to help consumers get out of debt today.

  • Set the groundwork- Before you can begin to tackle your debt it is necessary to first understand exactly how much money you owe and how much money you have available to pay off debt. To do this you must examine your budget to see where you might save money or free up income for debt payments.You must also sit down with financial obligations to see how much debt you owe and what debts should be paid off first.
  • Stop incurring debt-The only way for individuals to successfully pay off high levels of debt is by stopping the cycle of debt.There is little benefit to scrimping and saving to pay off debt if you continue to incur debt each month.Credit cards should be cut up (not canceled) and further debt should be avoided.
  • Avoid the minimum payment trap- Credit card companies may not be known for providing customers with favorable terms or second chances, however they are very willing to accommodate years worth of payments to recoup their money.They do this because it makes sound financial sense to allow account holders to rack up thousands of dollars in interest charges.Paying the minimum payment is the best way to ensure you will continue to pay your debt long after you have repaid your principle balance.You must put as much money as possible toward debt repayment to avoid losing thousands of dollars in interest charges.
  • Improve financial literacy-One of the leading causes of indebtedness is the lack of financial literacy. When an individual does not understand how credit, debt, savings and investments work together to create your financial situation it is difficult to make the right decisions regarding finances.Learn how your debt is limiting your other financial goals and how eliminating debt will improve your long term outlook.In many cases, simply understanding the true dangers of debt is all that is needed to jump start your debt elimination plan.
There are many strategies available to eliminate debt and get back on track financially.For individuals experiencing a financial hardship which limits their ability to repay their debts on their own, there are other options.Before pursuing other debt elimination strategies it is important to understand the pros and cons of each method to avoid increasing your financial troubles.


Kairon - Five Debt elimination tips:- 1. Don’t get into debt. Use cash for all your purchases and don’t take on any debt except home and auto. 2. Spend less than you earn. 3. When debt is closed out, put 60% in savings and enjoy the remain 40%. 4. Take stock of all your liabilities, so you know exactly how much you owe to the world. Put them in a spreadsheet, with monthly payments, interest amounts, balances, and a running grand total of all your balances. Update it monthly as you pay off debt, and watch the overall amount go down slowly. It’s very motivational. 5. Have only one credit card with a low limit, and only one loan with monthly payment not exceeding 25% of income.
amanda (Guest) - There si no need to feel ashamed if you need help handeling your debt. Now is the time to get help. Creditors are more than willing to settle people's debts, but it takes the right knowledge of how debt negotiation works. There is a wealth of information about the processes of debt negotiation, bankruptcy, fixing your credit, and much more at
kenyantykooon (Guest) - this is a really nice post but i think that the last point should have been the first as it all begins with a sound money education and a good mentality with cash, particularly for young people who tend to be confused when they come into a steady cash flow from a job or business or something